Corporate Documents
Strategic Plan:
Code of Conduct - Board Members
Fraud Corruption Misconduct and Maladministration Prevention Policy
Freedom of Information Statement
Information and Records Management
Public Access to Meetings and Documents
Remuneration Policy for Chair and Audit Committee Members
Water Pricing 2024-25
Annual Supply Charge: $314.40
Water Use Charge Maximum*: $3.0533/kilolitre
Water Use Charge Minimum*: $2.7319/kilolitre
*Pricing is between 85% and 95% of the SA Water charges depending on the water connection funding arrangement
Board Papers and Minutes
ERA Water Board meetings are held bi-monthly at the Town of Walkerville and are open to the public. Agendas and Minutes from these meetings can be found here.
Audit and Risk Commitee Papers and Minutes
ERA Water Audit and Risk Committee meetings are held bi-monthly at the Town of Walkerville and are open to the public. Agendas and Minutes from these meetings can be found here.
Confidentiality Register
In accordance with the Local Government Act 1999, the public may be excluded from ERA Water Board meetings when confidential information is to be received, discussed or considered at a meeting. Documents associated with the confidential information may also be excluded from the public. A copy of the Confidential Register can be found here.
When deciding to retain an item in confidence the ERA Water Board, must:
Specify why the information is confidential
The duration for which the information will be kept confidential
When, or under which conditions, the confidential order will be reviewed.
A confidential order which has been made for a period longer than twelve months must be reviewed at least once every year.
The ERA Water Confidential Items Register was last reviewed on 1 October 2020 and the status of the items on the register has been updated accordingly.